Below our board members are listed. We have Icator representatives in Belgium, France, Germany, USA, Australia, China, Japan & the U.K.
See web link to our Moniteur Belge Government website publication of board members –
Melanie Vritschan (President of ICATOR)
Melanie is German and lives in Brussels. During two decades, she has gained valuable experience in public relations and events management of international associations. Her former positions involved close cooperation with the European Institutions and organization of numerous international conferences and trade shows. Melanie has a proven track record in working with high-level authorities such as the European Commission and the European Parliament, the organization of network meetings, needs assessment and implementation for particular “client groups” as well as successfully carrying out pan-European and interregional projects with the aim of promoting international cooperation.
Before committing herself fully to her current role as the President of ICATOR, she has worked as the Communications Manager of a European navigation satellite system developed by the European Space Agency (ESA). Prior to this, she was the Public Relations and Events Officer at a European Foundation committed to the improvement of rights and situations of youth at risk. The organization is acting as a lobbying and advocacy platform towards the European Union.
For most of her life, she was a passionate marathon runner. Melanie has been the team leader of various group marathons she organized for awareness- and fund-raising benefiting children charities or homeless persons’ refuge projects.
To her great regret, such activity is now infeasible due to the physiological damage and debility suffered as a consequence of being a victim of electronic terrorism.
Akademie für Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, Lippstadt (D)(Academy for Economics and Administration)
Incorporating one year at the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie, Paris (F)
University of Westminster / Polytechnic School of Central London, (UK)
Diploma of “International Management” (Including English, French and Spanish)
Derrick Robinson (Vice-President of ICATOR)
Mr Derrick Robinson is vice president of Icator & also the president of PACTSntl a USA based victims association. He has been helping victims worldwide for many years, holds regular conferences & radio shows & more.
Jacqueline Menanteau (Sarah Eléonore)
Depuis mon plus jeune âge, je lutte contre le fascisme. Radio Tomate où je tenais une émission qui s’appelait TERTULIA était un espace de liberté, de création. J’aimais beaucoup y faire entendre nos voix. On nous a enlevé cette liberté-là et des mercenaires sont venus un jour nous interdire de nous exprimer et ont fermé les radios libres.
J’écrivais déjà beaucoup dans les années 1980, et malheureusement j’ai été ciblée dès cette époque-là, et j’ai subi du stalking non stop : cambriolages, intrusions dans mes domiciles, vols, et des atteintes bien pires encore à mon intégrité physique et morale.
Ma lutte contre le fascisme est j’allais dire légendaire et elle s’exprime désormais ici dans cette association ICATOR. Quand j’ai rencontré Mélanie Vritschan pour la première fois en 2016 elle m’a regardée dans ce café de Bruxelles et elle m’a juste dit : «Pas mal.» On a eu de suite une excellente relation et j’admire énormément cette femme. Nous avons passé des nuits entières à améliorer les statuts de l’association qui sont les meilleurs du monde, je pense. Ces statuts englobent aussi le monde animal.
La lutte que nous menons ensemble est essentielle et est au cœur des enjeux contemporains , dont ceux de l’écologie. Quel crime en effet est plus crapuleux que celui de voler des pensées et de coloniser la tête de son prochain par la voice to skull ? Nos corps sont le lieu d’expérimentations.
Ces criminels sont payés pour torturer et nous savons tous dans le monde entier, nous disons tous la même chose : les pires psychopathes ont trouvé dans ces groupes un moyen d’assouvir leurs penchants sadiques.
Le gang stalking est un CRIME CONTRE L’HUMANITÉ et nous attendons avec impatience que ces criminels paraissent en public et qu’ils soient condamnés par les plus hautes cours.
From an early age I have been fighting fascism. Radio Tomate, where I held a program called TERTULIA, was a space of freedom, of creation. I really enjoyed making our voices heard there. This freedom was taken from us and mercenaries one day came to forbid us to speak and closed free radio stations. I was already writing a lot in the 1980s, and unfortunately I was targeted at that time, and I suffered non-stop stalking: burglaries, intrusions into my homes, thefts, and even worse attacks on my home. physical and moral integrity. My fight against fascism is I would say legendary and it is now expressed here in this ICATOR association. When I first met Mélanie Vritschan in 2016 she looked at me in this cafe in Brussels and she just said, “Not bad.” We had a great relationship straight away and I admire this woman very much. We spent whole nights improving the statutes of the association which are the best in the world, I think. These statutes also include the animal world. The struggle we are waging together is essential and is at the heart of contemporary issues, including those of ecology. What crime in fact is more villainous than that of stealing thoughts and colonizing the head of one’s neighbor by the voice to skull? Our bodies are the place of experimentation. These criminals are paid to torture and we all know around the world, we all say the same thing: The worst psychopaths have found in these groups a way to satisfy their sadistic inclinations.
Gang stalking is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY and we eagerly await these criminals to appear in public and be condemned by the highest courts.
Harald Brems
Phone: +49 151 10472109
Harald Brems is committed to peace, freedom and justice in various projects. He lives in Berlin and works as an amateur journalist. In addition to his activities at ICATOR, he advocates for victims of radiation torture and organized stalking. In Germany, he is involved in the “Initiative against Electromagnetic Torture (IGEF)”.
Craig Laforest
Craig Laforest is our Australian representative. He studied Commerce in Sydney and became an accountant. He was involved with sales, marketing, and operations in a variety of senior management positions and during the 1990’s owned his own logistics operation in Los Angeles, handling ships in French Polynesia.
He became a board member of ICATOR in 2019 and now helps non-profit organizations and holds concerts in his home for them. He has also worked with respite foster children.
Craig has been targeted for approximately 30 years.
Two of the technologies used on him are V2K technology and Electromagnetic Microwave technology (radiation) from which he receives burns on his body.
He speaks on panels and radio about these technologies and his daily torture. Victims of these atrocious technologies are being experimented on, illegally, via brain implants. He is one of the victims.
Unscrupulous ENT doctors and scientists are implanting people without their consent, while they are in surgery for a basic operation and where a general anaesthetic is required. Non-consensual brain implants are extremely difficult to find via MRIs, Cat Scans and X-Rays as they are very small, are not all made of metal, and once lodged in the skull, can be grown over by bone in the skull (calcification). They are very easy to miss when a radiologist is typically looking for a brain tumour.
It is estimated that the victims of V2K technology and EMF transmission are approximately 60% women and 40% men.
Though the perpetrators continue to torture Craig and other victims through these technologies, which affect their health to an enormous degree, Craig will continue his fight, with ICATOR, until justice is provided to the millions of victims. Craig has travelled the world extensively and the use of the technologies on him, via satellite is extreme. He is left exhausted on every ship and every flight he travels on, at every latitude and longitude, from the North Cape to Antarctica as the perpetrators of this crime continue their transmissions.
Between 2009 and 2010, Craig lived in Los Angeles for part of the time with James Cameron, scientist, and director of AVATAR. He saw the transmission of thoughts with Cameron when he visited a brain laboratory in Seattle. A child was used and provided with words and animal names and both the words, and an animal outline were projected from the child onto a screen. Craig became a victim of these torture technologies while living with Cameron.
A gay man, Craig has found many gay men have been used as guinea pigs for these disgusting technologies. Craig speaks openly about how the LGBTQIA+ community has had yet another privilege of life stolen from them.
Craig has stated “General Practitioners, psychologists and psychiatrists are passing off people who hear voices, as “schizophrenic” or “delusional”. It’s an easy excuse. Schizophrenia happens to people in their 20’s and such people are unable to put basic sentences together and live a regular life. It doesn’t happen to people in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and beyond.
When one considers that the United States, where I lived for 28 years, has a history of experimenting on its own citizens, it is not surprising that these abhorrent technologies have been created against the international law of humanity.
What these criminals do to the victim is psychological theatre. I rarely respond to the perpetrators when they talk to me, through my brain. I call them Cowards, Actors and Traitors. One day the CAT will run out of its 9 lives and they will be presented to the international justice system and when they pass, to my Higher Power.
World War 3 has been going on since World War 2. We didn’t win the war in Europe and Asia. So many died for our freedom. The U.S. government allowed Nazis scientists to come to the U.S., instead of going to the Nuremburg trials, if they told the government everything they found through their research and experimentation on human beings in the concentration camps. Everything to do with Artificial Intelligence. They ran from Hitler’s doctrine to become cowards in serving the U.S. government for torture experimentation. The next generation of cowards now torture me and others.
Today, evil scientists, doctors and their minions who use these disgusting technologies on victims won’t accept their privilege of life and use others to try and find meaning for their own lives. Our future generations must not suffer in this way”.
Cesar Molto
Cesar Molto is our Spanish representative, who also is a board member of the Spanish based victims organisation – Viactec.
Toshiko Namiki
Toshiko Namiki is our Japanese representative. She attended the Icator scanning event 2021. She works as an activist in japan enlightening the public & helping other victims. She holds regular public events & radio shows. She is also a fundraiser for Icator.
Ali is our UK representative. She has helped Icator with many aspects of our work. Organizing radio shows, promotion, helping with our lawsuit, dealing with memberships, updating our website & more. She is a qualified engineer.