Advice for victims

Prezzo Speciale Dove comprare Clicca qui Originale senza ricetta Disponibilità Sì Pagamento Descrizione del prodotto Cialis che contiene il principio attivo Tadalafil è un farmaco efficace per il trattamento della disfunzione erettile. L'erezione avviene quando il pene si riempie di sangue.

Think you are a victim / targeted individual ?

If you are unsure if you are a victim, these are the typical complaints and symptoms most endure –

Voices which you can converse with and comment on your thoughts in real time.

Mind reading.

Stalking – At times by the same people & neighbours

Hacking of devices.

Sabotage – From family, friends or authorities and doctors.

Physical sensations without being touched.

Possibility of being drugged.

Possibility of being implanted and strange marks on your body.

Large electric pulses or shocks.

Actual burns on your body which appear out of nowhere.

For those who are just discovering that they are or may be a victim –

Do not tell the authorities or talk to doctors about strange symptoms.

They could easily deem you as unwell, refer you to mental health services or possibly section you.

Most victims experience this as it is part of a larger plan to discredit them as mentally unfit.

If something happens to your health which needs addressing do NOT tell the doctors or hospital you think it is to do with microwave weapons or is being “Done” to you in some way. Make normal health complaints. Even those who get severe burns on their bodies are at times not believed and it could be considered as self-harm.

If you suspect that your family or friends may be involved, it is wise to either stop seeing them or to just be careful what you tell them


MATTER WHAT. They will lie to you, try to sabotage and more.

Meeting other victims –

Once you realise you are not alone, that there are groups and individuals going through this all over the planet, it may help to simply calm you down. You can develop a support network of other victims who you can then talk openly and freely with.

Setting up a Twitter, Instagram, Telegram or Facebook account is a good idea as there are multiple groups and others with such accounts to meet. There are some websites below of other groups and ones who hold conferences and radio shows, learning about what is happening to you is useful. Please also see our international groups page for other groups and see if there is one in the country you reside in.

Prevention measures

Buy an audio recording device and record yourself 247. This can be time consuming, but it is a good idea. If you buy a device similar to this – Zoom H2n – and put it on the lowest file size setting – MP3 – It will record for around 5 days nonstop, then transfer the files onto USB pens or drives for storage.

Taking a photo of yourself every hour or so and storing them.

Sending emails to yourself and other victims of any threats or concerns.

Keep a daily log / diary. Document all you can.

Dash cams for cars, front and rear, security cameras for your home.

Important emails can be deleted due to hacking. You can setup multiple email accounts and configure them to auto forward all emails to each other.

Taking and storing screenshots of anything important.

Get a spare laptop / PC and never use it via the internet. Unplugging cables and disconnecting the internet can also help when doing tasks.

Using a different OS – operating system. And safer browsers like TOR.

Using password managers.

Keeping paper versions of important files and having a safe or similar to lock things away.

Keeping a spare phone on you at all times, and something of value, a piece of jewellery or valuable item in case you have no funds or access to a bank account, you could sell / pawn an item in an emergency.

Spy cameras and spy audio devices. On amazon you can buy Spy USB pens rather cheap.

If you are worried about your home and things being planted In your home, you can remove any items which may be considered illegal or dangerous from your home whilst filming, and could go round your home looking everywhere whilst filming, for anything that should not be there, store the footage, and repeat every now and then.

Fitting locks and spy holes on doors, and also a metal hook on a door handle to be able to tell if anyone has tried opening your door.

Create a living will. A living will is basically an instruction document, detailing that you are sound of mind and if anything happens to you this is what you would like to happen, in case of sabotage, you will need it signing and witnessing by a person you trust, then carry it around with you at all times.

Creating a last will and testament with the help of a lawyer or solicitor. Being careful who you choose and judging things at the time, however solicitors are professionals and must remain non biased and use unconditional regard so sharing in full your targeting situation may be OK.

Taking out home, car and legal insurance. Also, calling your banks, benefits or welfare offices, credit report and pension service – and telling them you have been a victim of ID theft and asking for extra security measures.

Mental health and being sectioned

If you have actually behaved in a way that shows you are a danger to yourself or others, for example, attempted suicide, or found with a knife on your person, this would give authorities actual grounds to section you. Under these circumstances and if you cannot avoid it, it is advised to not resist and to verbally state aloud you will not resist and go with them, and “Play the game” – meaning – admit you have had a stressful time and get out of there as soon as possible.

Try to record whatever takes place.

Whether you are threatened with being or are actually sectioned, whether for valid reasons or not you should not sign any documents at all. If you sign a document they can then legally take you away. If the authorities doing this to you do not have Dr present, this is illegal, as a mental health trained Dr has to be present legally to be able to section any person.

Some are sectioned for no real reason. Some simply send an email to their local politician or post on their social media accounts and are sectioned or referred to mental health services.

Make good eye contact with them, if you are being told you need sectioning there should be a doctor or psychiatrist present, if there is not you can politely bring this up & state you will not sign any paperwork but you will also not resist. If you are seen to be resisting they could charge you with this as well.

Some victims have experienced police visiting them, telling them they are being sectioned, with no doctor present, resisting to go and not signing paperwork, this is not correct procedure. But in order to prevent further damage to yourself and your reputation please judge the situation on its merits at the time.

If you are sectioned you can request a tribunal where you can plead your case to leave the hospital.

We only recommend doing this if you have NOT shown yourself to be a danger to yourself or others, under these circumstances they have more grounds to keep you there.

There are different section categories depending on the individual and the circumstances. Mental health and police policy and procedure differ in different countries.

Dealing with authorities

Some victims have gone through entrapment via authorities, when they have done nothing wrong, it is a form of framing and to discredit.

Normally when someone is arrested, they are appointment a lawyer some may have their own lawyer. If a lawyer believes you are a danger to yourself or others, they can state this to the authorities. Be careful what you tell them.

Unless you have actually done something to warrant the police talking to you or arresting you, you are not obliged to say anything to them. You do not have to identify yourself, tell them what you are doing or anything. It is always best to be calm, polite & to not shout at them, and certainly do no swear or act physically.

You can tell them you do not understand why they are talking to you and answer “No comment” to their questions.

If you tell the police, you are a victim of targeting via microwave weapons or anything alike, they can deem you mentally unwell and section you, if you post publicly about targeting and your social media account posts are reported this could be used against you.

You are within your rights to film the police, they have body cameras, so you can do the same. Especially if they are visiting you unannounced and you have done absolutely nothing wrong or are being framed or sabotaged, if the police have a genuine complaint against you it may be wise to comply and not resist instead. If they decided to take you to a station or arrest you, they will take your device off of you at this stage.

With police, you have the right to a lawyer or solicitor. Depending on if you have committed any crimes or not you need to use your judgment and it may be best to state – “No comment”. More often than not it would be entrapment or police involvement along with mental health services.

If it is entrapment or a false accusation, it is best to state no comment and leave it to the police to prove the accusation, again using judgment at the time. The legalities of false accusations or entrapment are tricky, but unless they have CCTV, audio or multiple eye witnesses and alike, you must leave it to the police to prove things. If they have gone to much effort and do have evidence such as this, discuss with your appointed solicitor or lawyer your options and decide if it seems appropriate to share more details.


Magnets – Larger magnets strapped to body parts, being careful as some are very strong.

Lead apron – Used in X-rays.

RF blankets – Wrapped in cotton so they do not touch your body.

RF Hats – To wear any time.

Water around head – At night bottles or water, water packs and alike.

DIY Faraday cage – Costly but can be made at home.

Balance bracelets – one or many.

Q Wave – Some have seen results from these.

White noise – Rainfall and alike.

Attackers can hack into devices to attack you with them. Try what you like the sound of and can afford, if it starts making thigs worse stop, try combinations and keep notes to go back over.

Taking supplements, trying to maintain a healthy diet, avoiding foods and beverages with many chemicals, keeping hydrated, exercise and trying to keep a good sleep hygiene routine is advised.

Grounding / Controlled breathing / Distraction techniques / Mindfulness / Meditation /

Some victims have success with various methods, devices, and combinations, some do not, at times variations work then stop working after a time. We do not advise that victims spend their funds on any things, it is trial and error.